
I was a gnome... Saw some stuff no one should have to see.. Had to convert back 0.o
yeah thats right, I'm a gnome
I'm a happy gnome! It's what I've always wanted to be. Thanks you for making this site.
im now a lazy gnome. Now i have a reason for my laziness awesome!
Happy ghome. Life=Winning
I am a gnome. Thank you, producers of this site. You have fulfilled my dream.
I am a sleepy gnome now. Dear creators of this site, Why do you have an anti-converter anyways? Who wouldn't like being a gnome?
OMG!!! I AM A SLEEPY GNOME!!! I showed this site to one of my friends and they said it was RUBBISH... THOUGH I DON'T BELIVE THEM!!! GO SLEEPY GNOME!!!
yay im a worker gnome!!
How do i turn back? D:
i just wanted to say thank you SO much for creating this website!!!! you made my day!! its genius!!! and AMAZING! thank you so much!!!
omg this is pointless but watever, deuces!
Harry Potter forced me to become a worker gnome. Oh, joy. Now where is that Anti-Gnomify potion? Oh, wait, I can just use the converter on the website. Wait, how do I do that. Darn these Muggle contraptions!!!
I turned into a sleepy gnome and his name is Phil. Had a good laugh since my name IS Phil. How'd you do that??
Im a sleepy gnome! im soo excited!! imma go to sleep, and then sleep, and then sle- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I became a sleepy gnome! I'm so excited! Now I can go do gnome stuff! Yaaay I'm gonna stay up all night and cause mischief and-- ZzZzZzzzZZZzzzzZZzZzZzz
Oh my God, had the best time EVER being a gnome, my life is COMPLETE!! I ate my younger brother :o)
I became a lazy gnome, I wanted to type this myself, but someone else is doing it because I'm too lazy. But I am going to bed, because sitting is very energy-consuming. *zzzzzz...*
I became a sleeping gnome much to the annoyance of my I ate him =D Thanks guys for giving me reason to be short and creepy!
i became a happy gnome but got arrested for eating a small child
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